28 September 2012
Standard security
Delivered: 5 October 2012
Status: Outstanding
Persons entitled: Bank of Scotland PLC
Description: Centre house on the second floor above the ground floor of…
16 October 2008
Standard security
Delivered: 23 October 2008
Status: Outstanding
Persons entitled: Bank of Scotland PLC
Description: 59 bellevue road, edinburgh MID114161.
14 October 2008
Standard security
Delivered: 23 October 2008
Status: Outstanding
Persons entitled: Bank of Scotland PLC
Description: 1 west maitland street, edinburgh MID103685.
14 October 2008
Standard security
Delivered: 23 October 2008
Status: Outstanding
Persons entitled: Bank of Scotland PLC
Description: 2A west maitland street, edinburgh MID102949.
27 September 2005
Standard security
Delivered: 7 October 2005
Status: Outstanding
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 2 viewforth gardens, edinburgh MID76115.
27 September 2005
Standard security
Delivered: 4 October 2005
Status: Satisfied
on 25 July 2006
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: Westmost house on first floor flat, 190 bruntsfield place…
27 September 2005
Standard security
Delivered: 4 October 2005
Status: Outstanding
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 10 bangholm terrace, edinburgh MID75905.
23 May 2005
Standard security
Delivered: 27 May 2005
Status: Outstanding
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: That dwellinghouse known as and forming that centre house…
20 May 2005
Standard security
Delivered: 31 May 2005
Status: Outstanding
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: The subjects known as and forming 26 riverside road…
20 May 2005
Standard security
Delivered: 27 May 2005
Status: Outstanding
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: Dwellinghouse thirty nine wakefield avenue, edinburgh in…
6 January 2004
Standard security
Delivered: 9 January 2004
Status: Outstanding
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: The old smiddy, pencaitland, east lothian.
10 May 2002
Standard security
Delivered: 21 May 2002
Status: Outstanding
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: Subjects to the northwest of dwellinghouse 83 tay street…
10 May 2002
Standard security
Delivered: 21 May 2002
Status: Outstanding
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: Riverview (formerly known as beech cottage) 107 tay street…
25 February 1999
Standard security
Delivered: 18 March 1999
Status: Satisfied
on 10 May 2001
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 114 st stephen street, edinburgh.
11 September 1996
Standard security
Delivered: 23 September 1996
Status: Satisfied
on 8 February 1999
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: Southeastmost first floor flat,5 sciennes,edinburgh.
14 June 1996
Standard security
Delivered: 1 July 1996
Status: Satisfied
on 18 October 1996
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: Dwellinghouse entering by 13 wheatfield place…
14 February 1996
Standard security
Delivered: 27 February 1996
Status: Satisfied
on 1 April 1996
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: Eastmost first floor flat,15 west newington place,edinburgh.
26 January 1996
Standard security
Delivered: 9 February 1996
Status: Satisfied
on 18 October 1996
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 53 bread street,edinburgh.
27 July 1995
Standard security
Delivered: 17 August 1995
Status: Satisfied
on 1 April 1996
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: Rear westmost ground floor flat, 17 rossie place, edinburgh.
20 July 1995
Standard security
Delivered: 26 July 1995
Status: Satisfied
on 1 April 1996
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: Centre house on the first flat above ground, 54 merchiston…
17 July 1995
Standard security
Delivered: 26 July 1995
Status: Satisfied
on 8 February 1999
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: The eastmost house on the ground, 74 slateford road…
12 July 1995
Standard security
Delivered: 26 July 1995
Status: Satisfied
on 8 February 1999
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: The third floor flat, 1 wheatfield road, edinburgh.
6 June 1995
Standard security
Delivered: 22 June 1995
Status: Satisfied
on 12 January 1996
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 256 dalry road,edinburgh.
24 May 1995
Standard security
Delivered: 6 June 1995
Status: Satisfied
on 12 January 1996
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: Ground floor,12 caledonian road,edinburgh.
15 May 1995
Standard security
Delivered: 23 May 1995
Status: Satisfied
on 10 August 1995
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 18,Waverley park,edinburgh.
13 April 1995
Standard security
Delivered: 21 April 1995
Status: Satisfied
on 10 August 1995
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 7 viewforth gardens, edinburgh.
4 April 1995
Standard security
Delivered: 21 April 1995
Status: Satisfied
on 12 January 1996
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 14 great junction street, leith.
14 March 1995
Standard security
Delivered: 3 April 1995
Status: Satisfied
on 18 October 1996
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: First floor flat, 38 canaan lane, edinburgh.
14 March 1995
Standard security
Delivered: 24 March 1995
Status: Satisfied
on 1 April 1996
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: First floor flat 38 canaan lane, edinburgh.
13 March 1995
Standard security
Delivered: 3 April 1995
Status: Satisfied
on 1 April 1996
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: Second floor flat, 1 westfield street, edinburgh.
13 March 1995
Standard security
Delivered: 24 March 1995
Status: Satisfied
on 10 August 1995
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 2ND floor flat, 1 westfield street, edinburgh.
8 March 1995
Standard security
Delivered: 14 March 1995
Status: Satisfied
on 1 April 1996
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: Top floor flat at 3 trinity crescent, edinburgh.
21 February 1995
Standard security
Delivered: 3 March 1995
Status: Satisfied
on 1 April 1996
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: Centre house, first flat, 27 oxford street, edinburgh.
27 January 1995
Standard security
Delivered: 15 February 1995
Status: Satisfied
on 8 February 1999
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: Top floor flat, 4 murieston road, edinburgh.
19 January 1995
Standard security
Delivered: 30 January 1995
Status: Satisfied
on 10 August 1995
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 12 rossie place, edinburgh.
9 January 1995
Standard security
Delivered: 11 January 1995
Status: Satisfied
on 10 August 1995
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: Centre house, first floor flat, 8 montpelier, edinburgh.
6 January 1995
Standard security
Delivered: 11 January 1995
Status: Satisfied
on 10 August 1995
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: Third floor flat, 35 watson crescent, edinburgh.
22 December 1994
Standard security
Delivered: 11 January 1995
Status: Satisfied
on 15 June 1995
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: Upper villa, 32 relugads road, edinburgh.
19 December 1994
Standard security
Delivered: 9 January 1995
Status: Satisfied
on 10 August 1995
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: Centre house on the first flat, 83 dickson street, leith.
30 November 1994
Standard security
Delivered: 9 December 1994
Status: Satisfied
on 10 August 1995
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: The southmost front dwellinghouse on the first flat at 20…
23 November 1994
Standard security
Delivered: 7 December 1994
Status: Satisfied
on 10 August 1995
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: Southmost house on the first flat, 32 oxford street…
31 October 1994
Standard security
Delivered: 16 November 1994
Status: Satisfied
on 10 August 1995
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: The southmost half of the top flat at 8 caledonian place…
9 September 1994
Standard security
Delivered: 23 September 1994
Status: Satisfied
on 29 November 1994
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 24 caledonian road, edinburgh (southmost house on 2ND…
7 September 1994
Standard security
Delivered: 15 September 1994
Status: Satisfied
on 15 June 1995
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 59 iona street, leith, edinburgh (eastmost house on 1ST…
1 September 1994
Standard security
Delivered: 9 September 1994
Status: Satisfied
on 15 June 1995
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: All and whole the westmost dwellinghouse on the second flat…
29 August 1994
Standard security
Delivered: 6 September 1994
Status: Satisfied
on 10 August 1995
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: All and whole the dwellinghouse,northwestmost first flat at…
25 August 1994
Standard security
Delivered: 5 September 1994
Status: Satisfied
on 15 June 1995
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: All and whole that dwellinghouse northmost ground floor…
5 August 1994
Standard security
Delivered: 11 August 1994
Status: Satisfied
on 29 November 1994
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: All and whole the dwellinghouse being the southmost half of…
29 July 1994
Standard security
Delivered: 15 August 1994
Status: Satisfied
on 15 June 1995
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: All and whole that dwellinghouse,centre house on the third…
15 July 1994
Standard security
Delivered: 27 July 1994
Status: Outstanding
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 6 albert place, edinburgh (northmost dwellinghouse on 3RD…
15 July 1994
Standard security
Delivered: 25 July 1994
Status: Satisfied
on 24 August 1995
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: The northmost dwellinghouse on the third flat above the…
7 July 1994
Standard security
Delivered: 21 July 1994
Status: Satisfied
on 15 June 1995
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 22 dean park street, edinburgh (northmost house to the…
7 July 1994
Standard security
Delivered: 21 July 1994
Status: Satisfied
on 10 August 1995
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 106 restalrig road south, edinburgh (south back…
29 June 1994
Standard security
Delivered: 20 July 1994
Status: Satisfied
on 29 November 1994
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: Eastmost dwellinghouse on the 3RD flat,20 roseburn…
27 May 1994
Standard security
Delivered: 2 June 1994
Status: Satisfied
on 15 June 1995
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: Dwellinghouse being the south half of the first flat above…
18 May 1994
Standard security
Delivered: 27 May 1994
Status: Satisfied
on 29 November 1994
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 16 johnstone terrace in the county of midlothian (eastmost…
9 May 1994
Standard security
Delivered: 17 May 1994
Status: Satisfied
on 29 November 1994
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: The dwellinghouse at 26 oxford street,edinburgh,being the…
29 April 1994
Standard security
Delivered: 17 May 1994
Status: Satisfied
on 24 August 1995
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: The dwellinghouse at 8 waverley park,edinburgh being the…
21 April 1994
Standard security
Delivered: 28 April 1994
Status: Satisfied
on 24 August 1995
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 11 thorntree street, leith.
21 March 1994
Standard security
Delivered: 30 March 1994
Status: Satisfied
on 29 November 1994
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: Ground floor flat,southmost half,number 8 gladstone…
11 March 1994
Standard security
Delivered: 29 March 1994
Status: Satisfied
on 10 August 1995
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: Northwest back house,top flat,137 broughton road,edinburgh.
9 March 1994
Standard security
Delivered: 30 March 1994
Status: Satisfied
on 29 November 1994
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: First flat centremost dwellinghouse number one wheatfield…
9 March 1994
Standard security
Delivered: 30 March 1994
Status: Satisfied
on 29 November 1994
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: An upper flat dwellinghouse number 68 ravenscroft…
15 February 1994
Standard security
Delivered: 28 February 1994
Status: Satisfied
on 29 November 1994
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: That dwellinghouse being the southmost half of third flat…
7 February 1994
Standard security
Delivered: 24 February 1994
Status: Satisfied
on 29 November 1994
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 25 myrtle terrace, edinburgh forming the southmost half of…
18 January 1994
Standard security
Delivered: 24 January 1994
Status: Satisfied
on 29 November 1994
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 5 livingstone place, edinburgh.
14 January 1994
Standard security
Delivered: 24 January 1994
Status: Satisfied
on 29 November 1994
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 142 saint stephen street, edinburgh.
5 January 1994
Standard security
Delivered: 12 January 1994
Status: Satisfied
on 10 August 1995
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 139,141,143,145, & 147 dundee street, edinburgh (westmost…
24 December 1993
Standard security
Delivered: 10 January 1994
Status: Satisfied
on 8 February 1999
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 21 teviot place, edinburgh (westmost house on 2ND floor).
17 November 1993
Standard security
Delivered: 25 November 1993
Status: Satisfied
on 10 August 1995
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 40 lauriston street, edinburgh (north end of the 3RD flat).
8 November 1993
Standard security
Delivered: 16 November 1993
Status: Satisfied
on 6 June 1994
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: That dwellinghouse entering by the common passage and stair…
23 September 1993
Standard security
Delivered: 8 October 1993
Status: Satisfied
on 6 June 1994
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: The northmost front house on the ground flat of the…
23 September 1993
Standard security
Delivered: 4 October 1993
Status: Satisfied
on 10 August 1995
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 44 stewart terrace, edinburgh.
23 September 1993
Standard security
Delivered: 4 October 1993
Status: Satisfied
on 6 June 1994
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 46 stewart terrace, edinburgh.
23 September 1993
Standard security
Delivered: 4 October 1993
Status: Satisfied
on 6 June 1994
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 42 stewart terrace, edinburgh.
27 August 1993
Standard security
Delivered: 14 September 1993
Status: Satisfied
on 8 February 1994
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 5 livingstone place, edinburgh.
27 August 1993
Standard security
Delivered: 14 September 1993
Status: Satisfied
on 6 June 1994
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: Front house on the ground flat, 14 robertson avenue…
27 August 1993
Standard security
Delivered: 14 September 1993
Status: Satisfied
on 6 June 1994
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 18 caledonian road, edinburgh.
9 July 1993
Standard security
Delivered: 16 July 1993
Status: Satisfied
on 12 January 1996
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 12 iona street, leith, edinburgh.
7 July 1993
Standard security
Delivered: 16 July 1993
Status: Satisfied
on 29 November 1994
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 126 st. Stephen street, edinburgh.
6 July 1993
Standard security
Delivered: 16 July 1993
Status: Satisfied
on 8 February 1994
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 10 smithfield street, edinburgh.
17 June 1993
Standard security
Delivered: 28 June 1993
Status: Satisfied
on 6 June 1994
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: Dwellinghouse being the eastmost house on the second flat…
1 June 1993
Standard security
Delivered: 7 June 1993
Status: Satisfied
on 6 June 1994
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: Third floor flat forty six lauriston street edinburgh.
26 May 1993
Standard security
Delivered: 7 June 1993
Status: Satisfied
on 6 June 1994
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: First floor flat one hundred and eighteen restalrig road…
6 May 1993
Standard security
Delivered: 12 May 1993
Status: Satisfied
on 29 November 1994
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: Dwellinghouse no. 10 beechwood terrace, leith , edinburgh.
29 April 1993
Standard security
Delivered: 6 May 1993
Status: Satisfied
on 8 February 1994
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: Dwellinghouse entering by the common passage and stair…
21 April 1993
Standard security
Delivered: 28 April 1993
Status: Satisfied
on 29 November 1994
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 129 great junction street, leith, edinburgh.
5 April 1993
Standard security
Delivered: 16 April 1993
Status: Satisfied
on 8 February 1994
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 35 lauriston street, edinburgh (southmost back house on the…
2 April 1993
Standard security
Delivered: 16 April 1993
Status: Satisfied
on 8 July 1993
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 43 iona street, edinburgh (eastmost back house on the first…
2 April 1993
Standard security
Delivered: 16 April 1993
Status: Satisfied
on 10 August 1995
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 67 duke street, edinburgh (southwest most house on the top…
11 March 1993
Standard security
Delivered: 19 March 1993
Status: Satisfied
on 8 July 1993
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 25 maryfield, abbeyhill, edinburgh.
4 February 1993
Standard security
Delivered: 11 February 1993
Status: Satisfied
on 8 July 1993
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: Dwellinghouse being the south east front house on the…
15 September 1992
Standard security
Delivered: 1 October 1992
Status: Satisfied
on 8 February 1999
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 114 mcdonald road, edinburgh.
8 September 1992
Standard security
Delivered: 15 September 1992
Status: Satisfied
on 8 July 1993
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 38 watson crescent edinburgh.
19 August 1992
Standard security
Delivered: 28 August 1992
Status: Satisfied
on 8 July 1993
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: All and whole the northmost house on the 2ND flat of…
15 July 1992
Standard security
Delivered: 23 July 1992
Status: Satisfied
on 8 July 1993
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: All and whole the dwellinghouse being the eastmost front…
16 June 1992
Standard security
Delivered: 30 June 1992
Status: Satisfied
on 8 July 1993
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: Southmost ground flat and garden ground effeiring thereto…
28 February 1992
Standard security
Delivered: 9 March 1992
Status: Satisfied
on 24 August 1995
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 31 & 23 halmyre stret leith.
28 January 1992
Standard security
Delivered: 4 February 1992
Status: Satisfied
on 8 February 1994
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: Subjects at 3 westfield street edinburgh.
16 December 1991
Standard security
Delivered: 6 January 1992
Status: Satisfied
on 4 September 1992
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 8 caledonian place edinburgh.
3 December 1991
Standard security
Delivered: 9 December 1991
Status: Satisfied
on 4 September 1992
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: Flat at 12 moncrieff terrace edinburgh.
2 December 1991
Standard security
Delivered: 9 December 1991
Status: Satisfied
on 4 September 1992
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: House at 13 marionville road edinburgh.
22 November 1991
Standard security
Delivered: 28 November 1991
Status: Satisfied
on 6 June 1994
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: Northwestmost house to the front on ground flat at 19…
7 November 1991
Standard security
Delivered: 18 November 1991
Status: Satisfied
on 8 July 1993
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: North eastmost ground flat 27 halmyre street edinburgh.
11 October 1991
Standard security
Delivered: 23 October 1991
Status: Outstanding
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 5 wheatfield road, edinburgh.
11 October 1991
Standard security
Delivered: 23 October 1991
Status: Outstanding
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 21 maryfield abbeyhill edinburgh.
11 October 1991
Standard security
Delivered: 23 October 1991
Status: Satisfied
on 8 July 1993
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 5 wheatfield road edinburgh.
11 October 1991
Standard security
Delivered: 23 October 1991
Status: Satisfied
on 8 July 1993
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 21 maryfield abbeyhill edinburgh.
11 October 1991
Standard security
Delivered: 23 October 1991
Status: Satisfied
on 4 September 1992
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 5 wheatfield road edinburgh.
29 August 1991
Standard security
Delivered: 6 September 1991
Status: Satisfied
on 8 February 1994
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: Northmost top floor flat at 129, lochendroad,edinburgh.
28 June 1991
Standard security
Delivered: 16 July 1991
Status: Satisfied
on 2 December 1991
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 7 wheatfield road,edinburgh.
18 June 1991
Standard security
Delivered: 8 July 1991
Status: Satisfied
on 10 August 1995
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: Top floor flat at 7 rossie place,edinburgh.
18 June 1991
Standard security
Delivered: 28 June 1991
Status: Satisfied
on 2 September 1991
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: Westmost rear ground flat at 7 rossie place, edinburgh.
18 June 1991
Standard security
Delivered: 28 June 1991
Status: Satisfied
on 2 December 1991
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: Eastmost front third at 7 rossie place, edinburgh.
16 May 1991
Standard security
Delivered: 24 May 1991
Status: Satisfied
on 2 December 1991
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: Dwellinghouse being the centre house on the second flat…
14 May 1991
Standard security
Delivered: 24 May 1991
Status: Satisfied
on 2 September 1991
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: The front or centre house on the top flat entering by the…
26 April 1991
Standard security
Delivered: 7 May 1991
Status: Satisfied
on 8 February 1999
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 23 lauriston gardens,edinburgh.
26 April 1991
Standard security
Delivered: 7 May 1991
Status: Satisfied
on 4 September 1992
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 67 duke street leith.
22 April 1991
Standard security
Delivered: 1 May 1991
Status: Satisfied
on 2 September 1991
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 45 albion road,edinburgh.
21 March 1991
Standard security
Delivered: 2 April 1991
Status: Satisfied
on 2 December 1991
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 7 wardlae place,edinburgh.
12 March 1991
Standard security
Delivered: 26 March 1991
Status: Outstanding
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 28 wardlaw place,edinburgh.
27 February 1991
Standard security
Delivered: 5 March 1991
Status: Satisfied
on 1 May 1991
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 2ND floor flat at 6 robertson avenue, edinburgh.
20 February 1991
Standard security
Delivered: 26 February 1991
Status: Satisfied
on 1 May 1991
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 25 tarvit street,edinburgh.
4 February 1991
Standard security
Delivered: 12 February 1991
Status: Satisfied
on 8 February 1999
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: Top flat at 60 albion road,edinburgh.
23 January 1991
Standard security
Delivered: 28 January 1991
Status: Satisfied
on 8 April 1991
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 7 wheatfield place,edinburgh.
11 December 1990
Standard security
Delivered: 24 December 1990
Status: Outstanding
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: Top or third flat 25 maryfield edinburgh.
11 December 1990
Standard security
Delivered: 24 December 1990
Status: Satisfied
on 1 May 1991
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: First flat or ground flat 4 panmure place,edinburgh.
20 November 1990
Standard security
Delivered: 10 December 1990
Status: Satisfied
on 1 May 1991
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 17 marionville road,edinburgh.
5 October 1990
Standard security
Delivered: 18 October 1990
Status: Satisfied
on 1 May 1991
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 19 watson crescent,edinburgh.
28 September 1990
Standard security
Delivered: 11 October 1990
Status: Satisfied
on 7 March 1991
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 7 westfield street,edinburgh.
7 September 1990
Standard security
Delivered: 20 September 1990
Status: Satisfied
on 31 October 1990
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: Dwellinghouse 11 wardlaw street,edinburgh.
29 May 1990
Standard security
Delivered: 6 June 1990
Status: Satisfied
on 31 October 1990
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: Basement flat,west side,at no 7 bothwellstreet,edinburgh.
28 May 1990
Standard security
Delivered: 5 June 1990
Status: Satisfied
on 21 November 1980
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: Dwellinghouse,west side,at no 35 royal park…
24 May 1990
Standard security
Delivered: 4 June 1990
Status: Satisfied
on 7 March 1991
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: Property at no 25 stewart terrace, edinburgh.
16 May 1990
Standard security
Delivered: 29 May 1990
Status: Satisfied
on 21 November 1990
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: Ground floor flat (east), 15 & 16 royal park…
30 April 1990
Standard security
Delivered: 10 May 1990
Status: Satisfied
on 31 October 1990
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 8 and 10 hermitage park,edinburgh.
23 April 1990
Standard security
Delivered: 30 April 1990
Status: Satisfied
on 31 October 1990
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 17 marionville road,edinburgh.
16 March 1990
Standard security
Delivered: 28 March 1990
Status: Satisfied
on 31 October 1990
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 27 buchanan street,leith,edinburgh.
13 February 1990
Standard security
Delivered: 19 February 1990
Status: Satisfied
on 18 October 1996
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 5 spittal street,edinburgh.
1 February 1990
Standard security
Delivered: 12 February 1990
Status: Satisfied
on 7 March 1991
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 4 wardlaw terrace,edinburgh.
20 November 1989
Standard security
Delivered: 27 November 1989
Status: Satisfied
on 21 November 1990
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 18 sighthill park,edinburgh.
13 November 1989
Standard security
Delivered: 27 November 1989
Status: Satisfied
on 15 June 1995
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 31 caledonian crescent,edinburgh.
22 September 1989
Standard security
Delivered: 9 October 1989
Status: Outstanding
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 27 maryfield,edinburgh.
11 September 1989
Standard security
Delivered: 22 September 1989
Status: Satisfied
on 10 May 2001
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 127 lothian road,edinburgh.
29 August 1989
Standard security
Delivered: 14 September 1989
Status: Satisfied
on 8 February 1999
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 221 morningside road,edinburgh.
10 August 1989
Standard security
Delivered: 18 August 1989
Status: Outstanding
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: Ground floor tenement (east) 31 caledon ian…
10 August 1989
Standard security
Delivered: 18 August 1989
Status: Outstanding
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 39 caledonian crescent,edinburgh.
8 August 1989
Standard security
Delivered: 16 August 1989
Status: Satisfied
on 22 January 1990
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 7 wheatfield place,edinburgh.
6 July 1989
Standard security
Delivered: 17 July 1989
Status: Satisfied
on 10 August 1995
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 21 upper grove place,edinburgh.
6 July 1989
Standard security
Delivered: 17 July 1989
Status: Satisfied
on 5 February 2002
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 7 caledonian road,edinburgh.
3 July 1989
Standard security
Delivered: 10 July 1989
Status: Satisfied
on 5 February 2002
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 114 spring gardens,edinburgh.
26 June 1989
Standard security
Delivered: 3 July 1989
Status: Satisfied
on 24 August 1995
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 101 broughton road,edinburgh.
15 June 1989
Standard security
Delivered: 22 June 1989
Status: Satisfied
on 31 October 1990
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 3 trafalgar street,edinburgh.
15 June 1989
Standard security
Delivered: 22 June 1989
Status: Satisfied
on 5 February 2002
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 11 dundee street,edinburgh.
14 June 1989
Standard security
Delivered: 22 June 1989
Status: Satisfied
on 8 February 1994
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 46 nicolson street,edinburgh.
29 May 1989
Standard security
Delivered: 8 June 1989
Status: Satisfied
on 22 January 1990
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 7 westfield street,edinburgh.
11 May 1989
Standard security
Delivered: 18 May 1989
Status: Satisfied
on 5 February 2002
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 76 easter road,edinburgh plus all fixtu res and title…
17 April 1989
Standard security
Delivered: 24 April 1989
Status: Satisfied
on 18 October 1996
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: House entering by 21 upper grove place, edinburgh.
4 April 1989
Standard security
Delivered: 18 April 1989
Status: Satisfied
on 22 January 1990
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 41 buchanan street,leith,edinburgh.
31 March 1989
Standard security
Delivered: 10 April 1989
Status: Satisfied
on 5 February 2002
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 4 steel's place,edinburgh.
17 March 1989
Standard security
Delivered: 27 March 1989
Status: Satisfied
on 22 January 1990
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 129 great junction street,edinburgh and others.
22 February 1989
Standard security
Delivered: 2 March 1989
Status: Satisfied
on 2 December 1991
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: Dwellinghouse entering 133 broughton road edinburgh and…
22 February 1989
Standard security
Delivered: 2 March 1989
Status: Satisfied
on 8 February 1999
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 4 balfour place,leith,edinburgh.
10 February 1989
Standard security
Delivered: 20 February 1989
Status: Satisfied
on 24 August 1995
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 2 blackwood crescent,edinburgh.
8 February 1989
Standard security
Delivered: 17 February 1989
Status: Satisfied
on 5 February 2002
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 72 morningside road,edinburgh.
26 January 1989
Standard security
Delivered: 16 February 1989
Status: Satisfied
on 10 August 1995
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 27A clarence street,edinburgh.
12 January 1989
Standard security
Delivered: 20 January 1989
Status: Satisfied
on 22 January 1990
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: Flats at no 21 waverley park,edinburgh.
5 January 1989
Standard security
Delivered: 16 January 1989
Status: Satisfied
on 31 October 1990
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 15 inveresk road,musselburgh.
21 December 1988
Standard security
Delivered: 9 January 1989
Status: Satisfied
on 10 May 2001
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 133 easter road,edinburgh.
27 September 1988
Standard security
Delivered: 4 October 1988
Status: Satisfied
on 22 January 1990
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: Flat at 5 wheatfield street,edinburgh.
22 July 1987
Standard security
Delivered: 30 July 1987
Status: Satisfied
on 5 February 2002
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 72 redhall crescent,edinburgh.
19 February 1986
Standard security
Delivered: 5 March 1986
Status: Satisfied
on 31 October 1990
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 25 waverley park,abbeyhill,edinburgh.
1 September 1985
Gtandard security
Delivered: 17 September 1982
Status: Satisfied
on 3 August 1984
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 75 findhorn place,edinburgh.
27 June 1985
Standard security
Delivered: 3 July 1985
Status: Satisfied
on 21 November 1990
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 10 buckingham terrace,edinburgh.
30 May 1985
Standard security
Delivered: 12 June 1985
Status: Satisfied
on 10 August 1995
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 5TH or uppermost half on the north side of tenement 9…
1 May 1985
Standard security
Delivered: 14 May 1985
Status: Satisfied
on 31 October 1990
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 15 lismore avenue,parsons green,edinburgh.
1 May 1985
Standard security
Delivered: 14 May 1985
Status: Satisfied
on 12 January 1996
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 12 iona street,edinburgh.
28 February 1985
Standard security
Delivered: 11 March 1985
Status: Satisfied
on 26 February 1987
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: Northeastmost front house on the ground flat 107 broughton…
16 January 1985
Standard security
Delivered: 23 January 1985
Status: Satisfied
on 9 December 1985
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: House on second flat of 5 willowbrae road,edinburgh.
8 January 1985
Standard security
Delivered: 15 January 1985
Status: Satisfied
on 3 June 1986
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: Top flat at 2 parliament street,leith.
21 December 1984
Standard security
Delivered: 3 January 1985
Status: Satisfied
on 5 February 2002
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 114 spring gardens,edinburgh.
13 December 1984
Standard security
Delivered: 20 December 1984
Status: Satisfied
on 9 December 1985
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 34 waverley place,norton park,edinburgh.
7 December 1984
Standard security
Delivered: 12 December 1984
Status: Satisfied
on 5 February 2002
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: Flat at 4 tay street,edinburgh.
23 October 1984
Standard security
Delivered: 1 November 1984
Status: Satisfied
on 9 December 1985
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: Upper flat of tennement 256,258,260 highstreet,portobello.
11 October 1984
Standard security
Delivered: 15 October 1984
Status: Satisfied
on 9 December 1985
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 25 brunton terrace,edinburgh.
5 October 1984
Standard security
Delivered: 9 October 1984
Status: Satisfied
on 5 February 2002
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 181 easter road,edinburgh.
4 October 1984
Standard security
Delivered: 10 October 1984
Status: Satisfied
on 9 December 1985
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: North east ground flat at 10 ritchie place,edinburgh.
21 September 1984
Standard security
Delivered: 26 September 1984
Status: Satisfied
on 5 February 2002
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: Flat at 11 dundee terrace,edinburgh.
5 September 1984
Standard security
Delivered: 25 September 1984
Status: Satisfied
on 18 October 1996
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: Flat on south side of tenement 9 brighton street,edinburgh.
3 September 1984
Standard security
Delivered: 5 September 1984
Status: Satisfied
on 9 December 1985
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 13 smithfield street,edinburgh.
23 August 1984
Standard security
Delivered: 28 August 1984
Status: Satisfied
on 9 December 1985
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: East back flat at tenement 6,7 and 8 wheatfield…
29 June 1984
Standard security
Delivered: 9 July 1984
Status: Satisfied
on 9 December 1985
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: Dwellinghouse no 46 albion road,edinburgh.
12 June 1984
Standard security
Delivered: 14 June 1984
Status: Satisfied
on 22 January 1990
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 96 spottiswoode street,edinburgh.
6 June 1984
Standard security
Delivered: 8 June 1984
Status: Satisfied
on 5 February 1986
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 107 broughton road,edinburgh.
6 June 1984
Standard security
Delivered: 8 June 1984
Status: Satisfied
on 22 January 1990
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: Flat 20 waverley park,edinburgh.
1 June 1984
Standard security
Delivered: 7 June 1984
Status: Satisfied
on 22 January 1990
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 22 waverley place,norton park,edinburgh.
25 April 1984
Standard security
Delivered: 27 April 1984
Status: Satisfied
on 9 December 1985
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: Ground flat number 7 caledonian place, edinburgh.
22 March 1984
Gtandard security
Delivered: 30 March 1984
Status: Outstanding
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: Ground at silverknowes terrace,edinburgh.
14 March 1984
Standard security
Delivered: 16 March 1984
Status: Satisfied
on 5 February 2002
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: Eastmost house on the second flat at 250DALRY…
23 February 1984
Standard security
Delivered: 1 March 1984
Status: Satisfied
on 25 August 1987
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 53,55,57 & 59 elbe street,edinburgh.
12 January 1984
Standard security
Delivered: 18 January 1984
Status: Satisfied
on 21 November 1990
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: Westmost house on the first flat above ground flat at 3…
11 January 1984
Standard security
Delivered: 16 January 1984
Status: Satisfied
on 22 January 1990
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: Area of ground at dirleton avenue, north berwick.
29 December 1983
Standard security
Delivered: 18 January 1984
Status: Satisfied
on 28 October 1986
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: South or southeastmost house on the top of tenement no 6…
19 December 1983
Standard security
Delivered: 21 December 1983
Status: Satisfied
on 22 January 1990
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 22 regent place,edinburgh.
15 November 1983
Standard security
Delivered: 23 November 1983
Status: Satisfied
on 22 January 1990
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: Southmost front dwellinghouse on the first flat above the…
14 November 1983
Standard security
Delivered: 17 November 1983
Status: Satisfied
on 3 August 1984
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: Westmost house on first flat above the street or ground…
29 August 1983
Standard security
Delivered: 5 September 1983
Status: Satisfied
on 22 January 1990
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 20 montagu street,edinburgh.
25 August 1983
Standard security
Delivered: 31 August 1983
Status: Satisfied
on 22 January 1990
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 5 millburn road, west field, by bathgate.
18 July 1983
Standard security
Delivered: 22 July 1983
Status: Satisfied
on 17 February 1986
Persons entitled: Mrs Patrick Sherry Hickman
Description: Flat at 3 belhaven terrace,edinburgh.
18 July 1983
Standard security
Delivered: 20 July 1983
Status: Satisfied
on 3 August 1984
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: "Bien bield","brian cottage" and "cora green", north…
22 June 1983
Standard security
Delivered: 28 June 1983
Status: Satisfied
on 22 January 1990
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 50 albion road,edinburgh.
8 June 1983
Standard security
Delivered: 14 June 1983
Status: Satisfied
on 22 January 1990
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 107 broughton road,edinburghg.
12 April 1983
Standard security
Delivered: 26 April 1983
Status: Satisfied
on 3 August 1984
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 24 beech wood terrace,restalrig park, edinburgh.
2 February 1983
Standard security
Delivered: 10 February 1983
Status: Satisfied
on 3 August 1984
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 1 watson crescent,edinburgh.
2 February 1983
Standard security
Delivered: 10 February 1983
Status: Satisfied
on 3 August 1984
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 49 angle park terrace,edinburgh.
27 January 1983
Standard security
Delivered: 4 February 1983
Status: Satisfied
on 3 August 1984
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 49 logie green road,broughton,edinburgh.
2 December 1982
Standard security
Delivered: 13 December 1982
Status: Satisfied
on 3 August 1984
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 18 meadowbank terrace,edinburgh.
11 October 1982
Standard security
Delivered: 22 October 1982
Status: Satisfied
on 3 August 1984
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 22 edina place,edinburgh.
29 September 1982
Standard security
Delivered: 11 October 1982
Status: Satisfied
on 22 January 1990
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 29 mayfield terrace,edinburgh.
1 September 1982
Standard security
Delivered: 17 September 1982
Status: Satisfied
on 2 May 1985
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 15 bellevue place,edinburgh.
1 September 1982
Standard security
Delivered: 17 September 1982
Status: Satisfied
on 3 August 1984
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 5 clarence street,edinburgh.
1 September 1982
Standard security
Delivered: 17 September 1982
Status: Satisfied
on 3 August 1984
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: 4 marionville crescent,edinburgh.
23 June 1982
Bond and floating charge
Delivered: 24 June 1982
Status: Outstanding
Persons entitled: The Governor and Company of the Bank of Scotland
Description: The whole assets of the company…