Wing Ki Ng

Hellopages » Cambridgeshire » Cambridge » CB3 0RS
Birthdate November 1955
Nationality British
Occupations Restauranteur
Roles Director
Address 95 The Sycamores, Cambridge, Cambs., United Kingdom, CB4 6XJ

Wing Ki Ng was born in November 1955.

Wing Ki Ng Business Events

07 Mar 2011
Wing Ki Ng was appointed a director at 56 years old. British

04 Nov 2009
Wing Ki Ng was appointed a director at 55 years old. British

Same name people

Wing Ki Ng Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, 35 years old
Wing Ki Ng Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, 35 years old
Wing Ki Ng Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Wing Ki Ng Cambridge, Cambridgeshire

See also

Wing Ki Astor Au
Westminster, Greater London, 41 years old

Wing Ki Vicky Chan
Epping Forest, Essex, 36 years old

Wing Ki Vicky Fung
Hounslow, Greater London, 44 years old

Wing Kin Anthony Chow
, , 68 years old

Wing Kin Chan
Bournemouth, Dorset, 31 years old