Sarah Jane Shannon

Hellopages » Greater Manchester » Rochdale » M24 2JT
Birthdate May 1994
Nationality British
Occupations Make Up Artist
Roles Director
Address Dane House, Middelton, Manchester, England, M24 2JT

Sarah Jane Shannon was born in May 1994.

Sarah Jane Shannon Business Events

16 Dec 2015
Sarah Jane Shannon was resigned a director at 22 years old. British

30 Oct 2015
Sarah Jane Shannon was appointed a director at 22 years old. British

Same name people

Sarah Jane Shannon Lambeth, Greater London
Sarah Jane Shannon Rochdale, Greater Manchester

See also

Sarah Jane Shadla Carleton
Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, 56 years old

Sarah Jane Sharland
City of London, City of London, 62 years old

Sarah Jane Sharman
Bedford, Bedfordshire, 39 years old

Sarah Jane Sharp
East Renfrewshire, East Renfrewshire

Sarah Jane Sharpe
Surrey Heath, Surrey, 43 years old