Giovanni Pruner

Birthdate October 1944
Nationality Italian
Occupations Insurance Broker
Roles Director
Address Roma, Via Della Camilluccia 551 00135, Italy

Giovanni Pruner was born in October 1944.

Giovanni Pruner Business Events

19 Dec 2008
Giovanni Pruner was appointed a director at 65 years old. Italian

Same name people

Giovanni Pruner , , 73 years old

See also

Giovanni Provera
Kensington and Chelsea, Greater London, 75 years old

Giovanni Pugliese
Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire, 41 years old

Giovanni Pullano
Warwick, Warwickshire, 29 years old

Giovanni Pulvirenti
Southwark, Greater London, 39 years old

Giovanni Puntrello
Harrow, Greater London, 56 years old