Laszlo Varga

Hellopages » West Lothian » West Lothian » EH54 6JZ
Birthdate April 1969
Nationality Hungarian
Occupations Cleaning
Roles Director
Address 77 Clement Rise, Livingston, West Lothian, Scotland, EH54 6JZ

Laszlo Varga was born in April 1969.

Laszlo Varga Business Events

22 Jun 2016
Laszlo Varga was appointed a director at 48 years old. Hungarian

Same name people

Laszlo Varga Camden, Greater London, 36 years old
Laszlo Varga Test Valley, Hampshire, 37 years old
Laszlo Varga Hackney, Greater London, 43 years old
Laszlo Varga Forest Heath, Suffolk, 42 years old
Laszlo Varga Enfield, Greater London, 38 years old

See also

Laszlo Varadi
City of London, City of London, 48 years old

Laszlo Veres
Bedford, Bedfordshire, 46 years old

Laszlo Vida
, , 45 years old

Laszlo Vilagi
Islington, Greater London

Laszlo Vilmos Endresz
Oxford, Oxfordshire, 73 years old