We have found one hundred and sixty-one active companies and four not active businesses in BH4 9DN.There are 3 people living in 1 situated in this area. In the year 2015 the sum of all total assets of all businesses registered in BH4 9DN is £0k. It has dropped down /increased against the previous year. In the year 2016 the sum of all total assets of all businesses registered in BH4 9DN is £2946.01k. And the total cash for those territory in 2015 is £0k. And the total cash for those territory in 2016 is £801.29k. Meanwhile liabilities of all businesses registered in BH4 9DN for the year 2015 is £0k.The liabilities of all businesses registered in BH4 9DN for the year 2016 is £1332.49k. Their most popular occupations are Doctor, Consultant, Director, Bank Employee, Project Manager, Teacher, Solicitor, Designer. The total number of business managers in BH4 9DN, Bournemouth is three hundred and forty-seven. And the number of resigned business managers is three hundred and thirty-six. Their most popular surnames are Smith, Logan, Hollande, Glynn, Loader, Khan, Godwin, Swayne.GROUND FLOOR, AUSTIN HOUSE 43 POOLE ROAD, WESTBOURNE, AUSTIN HOUSE, 43 POOLE ROAD, C/O STEPHENSON AND CO GROUND FLOOR AUSTIN HOUSE, 43 POOLE ROAD WESTBOURNE, C/O STEPHENSON & CO., AUSTIN, HOUSE, 43 POOLE ROAD, C/O GROUND FLOOR AUSTIN HOUSE 43 POOLE ROAD, GROUND FLOOR AUSTIN HOUSE, 43 POOLE ROAD WESTBOURNE, GROUND FLOOR AUSTIN HOUSE 43 POOLE ROAD, C/O STEPHENSON & CO GROUND FLOOR, AUSTIN HOUSE 43 POOLE RD, FIRST FLOOR AUSTIN HOUSE, C/O STEPHENSON & CO, AUSTIN HOUSE 43 POOLE ROAD, WESTBORNE, BOURNEMOUTH, C\O STEPHENSON & CO, GROUND FLOOR, AUSTIN HOUSE, 43 POOLE ROAD, GROUND FLOOR, AUSTIN HOUSE, C/O STEPHENSON & CO GROUND FLR, AUSTIN HSE 43 POOLE RD, GROUND FLOOR AUSTIN HOUSE 43 POOLE ROAD, AUSTIN HOUSE 43 POOLE ROAD, CO STEPHENSON & CO GROUND FLOOR, 1ST FLOOR OFFICES, AUSTIN HOUSE, C/O GROUND FLOOR AUSTIN HOUSE, C/O STEHENSON & CO, GROUND FLOOR, AUSTIN HOUSE, 43 POOLE RD, FIRST FLOOR OFFICES AUSTIN HOUSE, 43 POOLE RD WESTBOURNE, C/0 STEPHENSON AND CO GROUND, FLOOR AUSTIN HOUSE 43 POOLE ROAD, C/O STEPHENSON & CO GROUND FL, STEPHENSON & CO, C/O STEPHENSON & CO GRD FLR AUSTIN HSE, STEPHENSON & CO GROUND FLOOR, AUSTIN HOUSE GROUND FLOOR, C/O STEPHENSON & CO GROUND FLOOR AUSTIN HOUSE 43 POOLE ROAD, STEPHENSON & CO, GROUND FLOOR, AUSTIN HOUSE, GROUND FLOOR, C/O STEPHENSON & CO., GR FLOOR AUSTIN HOUSE, AUSTIN HOUSE, 43, POOLE ROAD, STEPHENSON & CO GROUND FLOOR, C/O STEPHENSON AND CO, C/O STEPHENSON & CO GROUND FLOOR, 43 POOLE ROAD, WESTBOURNE, GROUND FLOOR AUSTIN HOUSE, AUSTIN HOUSE, 43, POOLE ROAD, GROUND FLOOR AUSTIN HSE