We have found one hundred and twenty-eight active companies and three not active businesses in BH17 7FJ. In the year 2015 the sum of all total assets of all businesses registered in BH17 7FJ is £0k. It has dropped down /increased against the previous year. In the year 2016 the sum of all total assets of all businesses registered in BH17 7FJ is £1203.07k. And the total cash for those territory in 2015 is £0k. And the total cash for those territory in 2016 is £256.47k. Meanwhile liabilities of all businesses registered in BH17 7FJ for the year 2015 is £0k.The liabilities of all businesses registered in BH17 7FJ for the year 2016 is £4594.1k. Their most popular occupations are Director, None, 3d Animator, Creative Technologist, Chartered Surveyor, Company Director, Designer, It Security. The total number of business managers in BH17 7FJ, Poole is two hundred and twenty. And the number of resigned business managers is one hundred and seventeen. Their most popular surnames are Pettitt, Ellis, Dr, Navin, Rourke, Double, Ward, Jones.A10 ARENA BUSINESS PARK, HOLYROOD CLOSE, ARENA BUSINESS CENTRE, ARENA BUSINESS PARK, C/O ACCONOMY LTD ARENA BUSINESS CENTRE, A10 ARENA BUSINESS CENTRE, G3 ARENA BUSINESS CENTRE, G3 ARENA BUSINESS PARK, HOLYROOD CLOSE, UNIT G5 ARENA BUSINESS PARK, 5 ARENA BUSINESS PARK, C/O ACCONOMY LIMITED ARENA BUSINESS CENTRE, A10 C/O EQUATION ACCOUNTING LTD, ARENA BUSINESS PARK HOLYROOD CLOSE, ARENA BUSINES CENTRE, C/O ACCONOMY ARENA BUSINESS CENTRE, ACCONOMY LTD, ARENA BUSINESS PARK, HOLYROOD CLOSE, ARENA, UNIT C5 ARENA BUSINESS PARK, UNIT F05 ARENA BUSINESS CENTRE, ARENA BUSINESS CENTRE ARENA BUSINESS PARK, UNIT C1 ARENA BUSINESS PARK, BLOCK A ARENA BUSINESS PARK, 13-15 ARENA BUSINESS CENTRE, UNIT A31 ARENA BUSINESS PARK, C/O ACCONOMY ACCOUNTANTS ARENA BUSINESS CENTRE, CLARK JAMISON LTD, ARENA ARENA BUSINESS PARK,, UNIT 1, BLOCK B ARENA BUSINESS PARK, UNIT G2, ARENA ARENA BUSINESS PARK, CLARK JAMISON LTD ARENA, ACCONOMY LTD ARENA BUSINESS PARK, UNIT D8 ARENA BUSINESS CENTRE, UNIT B1 ARENA BUSINESS PARK, UNIT 1 BLOCK B ARENA BUSINESS PARK, UNIT G2 ARENA BUSINESS CENTRE, CREEKMOOR, C/O ACCONOMY LIMITED ARENA BUSINESS PARK, UNIT B1 ARENA BUSINESS CENTRE, A10 C./O EQUATION ACCOUNTING LTD, C/O TFA ACCOUNTANTS ARENA BUSINESS CENTRE