TN35 4HP

We have found four active companies and zero not active businesses in TN35 4HP.There are 25 people living in 11 situated in this area. In the year 2015 the sum of all total assets of all businesses registered in TN35 4HP is £0k. It has dropped down /increased against the previous year. In the year 2016 the sum of all total assets of all businesses registered in TN35 4HP is £5.46k. And the total cash for those territory in 2015 is £0k. And the total cash for those territory in 2016 is £0k. Meanwhile liabilities of all businesses registered in TN35 4HP for the year 2015 is £0k.The liabilities of all businesses registered in TN35 4HP for the year 2016 is £5.46k. Their most popular occupations are Photographic Assistant, Photographer, Company Director. The total number of business managers in TN35 4HP, Rother is six. And the number of resigned business managers is seven. Their most popular surnames are Adams, Carr, Cochrane, Green, Taieb.WILD MEADOWS CHAPEL LANE, GUESTLING, GUESTLING GREEN

TN35 4HP Companies & Managers

Anthony Ian Carr last appointment: 01 May 2016
CAPERS PRODUCTIONS LIMITED Motion picture distribution activities
registered: 17 Aug 1995
Carol Diane Adams last appointment: 15 Aug 2016
John Charles Adams last appointment: 18 Sep 1991
MATCINE LIMITED Motion picture distribution activities
registered: 29 Nov 2001
CINEMAITALIAUK LIMITED Motion picture projection activities
registered: 08 Oct 2014
registered: 12 Oct 1970
Elizabeth Cochrane last appointment: 15 Jun 1997
Clara Caleo Green last appointment: 04 Jun 2016
Madeline Ruth Taieb last appointment: 03 Sep 1996