We have found twenty-nine active companies and zero not active businesses in EN9 2HB. In the year 2015 the sum of all total assets of all businesses registered in EN9 2HB is £24.1k. It has dropped down /increased against the previous year. In the year 2016 the sum of all total assets of all businesses registered in EN9 2HB is £5265.5k. And the total cash for those territory in 2015 is £6.56k. And the total cash for those territory in 2016 is £1122.11k. Meanwhile liabilities of all businesses registered in EN9 2HB for the year 2015 is £2.24k.The liabilities of all businesses registered in EN9 2HB for the year 2016 is £1754.6k. Their most popular occupations are Director, Carpenter, Company Director, Retail Manager, Glazier, Glass Cutter, Finance Director, Clinical Director. The total number of business managers in EN9 2HB, Epping Forest is sixty-one. And the number of resigned business managers is forty-five. Their most popular surnames are Konyn, Carter, Bloomfield, Doal, Mcenery, Wright, Ucanlar, Miller.UNIT 79 HILLGROVE BUSINESS PARK, NAZEING ROAD, NAZEING, UNIT 31, HILLGROVE BUSINESS PARK, NAZEING ROAD, UNIT 33 HILLGROVE BUSINESS PARK, UNIT 9 HILLGROVE BUSINESS PARK, UNIT 59 HILLGROVE BUSINESS PARK, NAZEING ROAD, UNIT 38 HILLGROVE BUSINESS PARK, NAZEING ROAD NAZEING, UNIT 60, HILL GROVE BUSINESS PARK, UNIT 85, HILLGROVE BUSINESS PARK, UNIT 52, HILLGROVE BUSINESS PARK, NAZEING ROAD, 72 HILLGROVE BUSINESS PARK, NAZEING ROAD, UNIT 72, HILLGROVE BUSINESS PARK, UNIT 27 HILLGROVE BUSINESS PARK, NAZEING RD, UNITS 55-56, HILLGROVE BUSINESS PARK, 31 HILLGROVE BUSINESS PARK, 1 HILLGROVE BUSINESS PARK, NAZEING ROAD 1, UNIT 1, HILLGROVE BUSINESS PARK, UNIT 48 HILLGROVE BUSINESS PARK, UNIT 28 HILLGROVE BUSINESS PARK, UNIT 49 HILLGROVE BUSINESS PARK, OFFICE 60C, UNIT 60 HILLGROVE BUSINESS PARK, UNIT 13 HILLGROVE BUSINESS PARK, 17 HILLGROVE BUSINESS PARK, NAZEING ROAD, UNIT 61 HILLGROVE BUSINESS PARK, UNIT 34 HILLGROVE BUSINESS PARK, 85 HILLGROVE BUSINESS PARK, NAZEING ROAD, UNIT 13 HILLGROVE BUSINESS PARK, NAZEING ROAD