We have found three hundred and forty-one active companies and thirteen not active businesses in N20 9HR.There are 27 people living in 14 situated in this area. In the year 2015 the sum of all total assets of all businesses registered in N20 9HR is £726.1k. It has dropped down /increased against the previous year. In the year 2016 the sum of all total assets of all businesses registered in N20 9HR is £8645.44k. And the total cash for those territory in 2015 is £0k. And the total cash for those territory in 2016 is £5354.45k. Meanwhile liabilities of all businesses registered in N20 9HR for the year 2015 is £0k.The liabilities of all businesses registered in N20 9HR for the year 2016 is £7798.71k. Their most popular occupations are Director, Account Manager, It Manager, Television Producer, Business Development, Project Manager, Marketing Manager, Artist Management. The total number of business managers in N20 9HR, Barnet is six hundred and fifty. And the number of resigned business managers is six hundred and fifty-four. Their most popular surnames are Ceeney, Davey, Smith, Dr, Grant, Green, Jackson, Cooper.1341 HIGH ROAD, WHETSTONE, THE LIMES, 1339 HIGH ROAD, THE LIMES EVEREX ACCOUNTANTS, 1339 HIGH ROAD, WHETSTONE, THE LIMES 1339 HIGH ROAD, 1345 HIGH ROAD, 1321 HIGH ROAD, THE LIMES, 1339 HIGH ROAD, 1,341 HIGH ROAD, 2ND FLOOR, WALSINGHAM HOUSE 1331-1337 HIGH RD, WHETSTONE LONDON, THE LIMES 1339, HIGH ROAD, WALSINGHAM HOUSE 1331-1337 HIGH ROAD, M P SAUNDERS, 2ND FLOOR WALSINGHAM HOUSE 1331-1337 HIGH ROAD, LONDON, 2ND FLOOR WALSINGHAM HOUSE, 1331-1337 HIGH ROAD WHETSTONE, WALSINGHAM HOUSE 2ND FLOOR, 1339 HIGH ROAD, NORTH FINCHLEY, WHETSTONE, 1331-1337 HIGH ROAD, 1341C HIGH ROAD, M.P.SAUNDERS & CO 2ND FLOOR WALSINGHAM HOUSE, 2 ND FLOOR, WALSINGHAM HOUSE, 1331-1337 HIGH ROAD, WHETSTONE, THE LIMES, 1339, 1315 HIGH ROAD, MP SAUNDERS & CO, EVEREX ACCOUNTANTS THE LIMES, 1353 HIGH ROAD, 2ND FLOOR WALSINGHAM HOUSE 1331 -1337 HIGH ROAD, WHETSTON, WALSINGHAM HOUSE, 1331 HIGH ROAD, MR DAVID CARPENTER, 1351 HIGH ROAD, THE CLOSERT SALE UK, GREEN & PETER, 1339 HIGH ROAD, 1339 1339 HIGH ROAD, 1331 WALSINGHAM HOUSE, 1339 HIGH ROAD WHETSTONE