We have found forty-six active companies and two not active businesses in NW10 2XA. In the year 2015 the sum of all total assets of all businesses registered in NW10 2XA is £0k. It has dropped down /increased against the previous year. In the year 2016 the sum of all total assets of all businesses registered in NW10 2XA is £6313.9k. And the total cash for those territory in 2015 is £0k. And the total cash for those territory in 2016 is £445.88k. Meanwhile liabilities of all businesses registered in NW10 2XA for the year 2015 is £0k.The liabilities of all businesses registered in NW10 2XA for the year 2016 is £4610.13k. Their most popular occupations are None, Architect, Consultant, Director, Plumbing Merchant, Business Executive, Restaurant Administrator, Restauranteur. The total number of business managers in NW10 2XA, Brent is eighty-seven. And the number of resigned business managers is sixty-six. Their most popular surnames are Vekaria, Bhojani, Datta, Golechha, Patel, Kara, Palanithurai, Arulanantham.UNIT 27 CYGNUS BUSINESS CENTRE, DALMEYER ROAD, UNIT 6, CYGNUS BUSINESS CENTRE, UNIT 25, CYGNUS BUSINESS CENTRE, DALMEYER ROAD, UNIT 26 CYGNUS BUSINESS CENTRE, DALMEYER RD, UNIT 9 CYGNUS BUSINESS CENTRE, UNIT 31 CYGNUS BUSINESS CENTRE, UNIT 23 MANON, 19 CYGNUS BUSINESS CENTRE, UNIT 25, CYGNUS BUSINESS CENTRE,, DALMEYER ROAD,, 19 CYGNUS BUSINESS CENTRE, DALMEYER ROAD, UNIT 25 CYGNUS BUSINESS CENTRE, UNIT 16 CYGNUS BUSINESS CENTRE, UNIT 19 CYGNUS BUSINESS CENTRE, NDB HOUSE UNIT 31, CYGNUS BUSINESS CENTRE, KENFORD HOUSE 28 CYGNUS BUSINESS CENTRE, KENFORD HOUSE, 28 CYGNUS BUSINESS CENTRE, UNIT 11 CYGNUS BUSINESS CENTRE, UNIT 17 CYGNUS BUSINESS CENTRE, UNIT 21 CYGNUS BUSINESS CENTRE, DALMEYER ROAD WILLESDEN, UNIT 3, UNIT 27 CYGNUS BUSINESS CENTRE DALMEYER ROAD, WILLESDEN, DALMEYER ROAD, 430 A, UNIT 15 CYGNUS BUSINESS CENTRE