We have found one hundred and thirty-one active companies and three not active businesses in UB3 3NB. In the year 2015 the sum of all total assets of all businesses registered in UB3 3NB is £58.63k. It has dropped down /increased against the previous year. In the year 2016 the sum of all total assets of all businesses registered in UB3 3NB is £5818.3k. And the total cash for those territory in 2015 is £51.92k. And the total cash for those territory in 2016 is £2461.01k. Meanwhile liabilities of all businesses registered in UB3 3NB for the year 2015 is £58.63k.The liabilities of all businesses registered in UB3 3NB for the year 2016 is £3821.53k. Their most popular occupations are Taxi Driver, Retired, Health Care Consultant, Architect, Businesses, Business, Employed, Director. The total number of business managers in UB3 3NB, Hillingdon is two hundred and forty-four. And the number of resigned business managers is two hundred and seven. Their most popular surnames are Davies, Bhakta, Chapman, Turner, Webb, Kaiser, Green, Miles.WIMBORNE HOUSE, 6 PUMP LANE, WIMBORNE HOUSE AIBDA ARCHITECTS, 4 PUMP LANE HAYES, MIDDLESEX, 18-22 PUMP LANE, UNIT 4 HALLS BUSINESS CENTRE, PUMP LANE, UNIT1C HALLS BUSINESS CENTRE HAYES, UNIT 4A PUMP LANE, 174 BILTON WAY, 4-6 PUMP LANE, WIMBORNE HOUSE, 4/6 PUMP LANE, HAYES, WIMBORNE HOUSE 4 - 6 PUMP LANE, ROOM 1 CONSTITUENCY OFFICE, ONE WORLD EXPRESS, ONE WORLD HOUSE, WIMBOURNE HOUSE, 4 PUMP LANE, WIMBORNE HOUSE, 4 - 6 PUMP LANE, UNIT 1 PROVIDENT INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, WIMBOURE HOUSE, 4 -6 PUMP LANE, WIMBOURNE HOUSE 4-6 PUMP LANE, WIMBORNE HSE,, 4 PUMP LA., UNIT 1B, HALLS BUSINESS CENTRE, UNIT 1, HALLS BUSINESS CENTRE, UNIT 5 REGENT BUSINESS CENTRE, CONSTITUENCY OFFICE ROOM 1, CONSTITUENCY OFFICE, UNIT 5 CHAILEY INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, F.A. MAGEE & CO. 4-6 PUMP LANE, 4 - 6 PUMP LANE, UNIT 1B HALLS BUSINESS CENTRE, C/O FAMAGEE & CO, UNIT 8 REGENT BUSINESS CENTRE, 6 WIMBORNE HOUSE, C/O F A MAGEE & COMPANY, WIMBORNE HOUSE 4-6 PUMP LANE, 4-6, 4/6 PUMP LANE, WIMBORNE HOUSE 4-6, UNIT 9, UNIT 8 CHAILEY INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, UNIT 2 CHAILEY INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, UNIT 9-10, REGENT BUSINESS CENTRE, UNIT 7, CHAILEY INDUSTRIAL ESTATE