We have found sixty-one active companies and three not active businesses in E1 1DB.There are 23 people living in 12 situated in this area. In the year 2015 the sum of all total assets of all businesses registered in E1 1DB is £141.72k. It has dropped down /increased against the previous year. In the year 2016 the sum of all total assets of all businesses registered in E1 1DB is £363.55k. And the total cash for those territory in 2015 is £6.54k. And the total cash for those territory in 2016 is £132.41k. Meanwhile liabilities of all businesses registered in E1 1DB for the year 2015 is £77.25k.The liabilities of all businesses registered in E1 1DB for the year 2016 is £359.15k. Their most popular occupations are Pharmacist, Self Employed, Director, Private Service, Immigration Adviser, Business Management Consultant, Business, Civil Engineer. The total number of business managers in E1 1DB, Tower Hamlets is eighty. And the number of resigned business managers is fifty-one. Their most popular surnames are Islam, Rahman, Ahmed, Hussain, Uddin, Ali, Chowdhury, Akter.253 WHITECHAPEL ROAD, 2ND FLOOR, 235A WHITECHAPEL ROAD, 241A WHITECHAPEL ROAD, 245 WHITECHAPEL ROAD, FIRST FLOOR, 245 (2ND FLOOR), WHITECHAPEL ROAD, 245 FIRST FLOOR, 251 WHITECHAPEL ROAD, 235 WHITECHAPEL ROAD, 241 WHITECHAPEL ROAD, 235 A WHITECHAPEL ROAD, FIRST FLOOR CORNER SHOP LONDON, UNIT-3 (3RD FLOOR), 223 WHITECHAPEL ROAD, 231A SECOND FLOOR, LONDON, 245 WHITECHAPEL ROAD (FIRST FLOOR), 245-247 WHITECHAPEL ROAD, 245 1ST FLOOR, 2ND FLOOR, ROOM NO 3, 245 FIRST FLOOR, 231 WHITECHAPEL ROAD, 233 WHITECHAPEL ROAD, FLOOR 1, 241 A WHITECHAPEL ROAD, 3RD FLOOR, 243A WHITECHAPEL ROAD, 245 (1ST FLOOR), 2ND FLOOR FRONT, 259 WHITECHAPEL ROAD, 223-225 WHITECHAPEL ROAD, FLAT 2, 227-229 WHITECHAPEL ROAD, 239A WHITECHAPEL ROAD, 251, 3RD FLOOR, 239 WHITECHAPEL ROAD, FIRST FLOOR OFFICES, 241/A WHITECHAPEL ROAD, UNIT 5, FIRST FLOOR, 1ST FLOOR OF ZAM ZAM SHOP