We have found three active companies and zero not active businesses in W1K 2BN. In the year 2015 the sum of all total assets of all businesses registered in W1K 2BN is £0k. It has dropped down /increased against the previous year. In the year 2016 the sum of all total assets of all businesses registered in W1K 2BN is £0k. And the total cash for those territory in 2015 is £0k. And the total cash for those territory in 2016 is £0k. Meanwhile liabilities of all businesses registered in W1K 2BN for the year 2015 is £0k.The liabilities of all businesses registered in W1K 2BN for the year 2016 is £0k. Their most popular occupations are Property Consultant, Director. The total number of business managers in W1K 2BN, Westminster is four. And the number of resigned business managers is one. Their most popular surnames are Churchill, Warwick.19 SOUTH AUDLEY STREET, 2ND FLOOR OFFCIE

W1K 2BN Companies & Managers

D S CHURCHILL LIMITED Other service activities n.e.c.
registered: 15 Feb 2008
Gayle Warwick last appointment: 29 Mar 2010
Dominic Spencer Churchill last appointment: 06 Apr 2016
DSC ESTATE LIMITED Real estate agencies
registered: 09 Sep 2015
GWFL UK LIMITED Retail sale of textiles in specialised stores
registered: 29 Mar 2010
Rupert Spencer Churchill last appointment: 15 Feb 2008
Dominic Albert Charles Spencer Churchill last appointment: 23 Mar 2017