We have found one hundred and ninety-one active companies and four not active businesses in OL9 9XA. In the year 2015 the sum of all total assets of all businesses registered in OL9 9XA is £0k. It has dropped down /increased against the previous year. In the year 2016 the sum of all total assets of all businesses registered in OL9 9XA is £7631.39k. And the total cash for those territory in 2015 is £0k. And the total cash for those territory in 2016 is £2646.07k. Meanwhile liabilities of all businesses registered in OL9 9XA for the year 2015 is £0k.The liabilities of all businesses registered in OL9 9XA for the year 2016 is £4569.09k. Their most popular occupations are Specialist Antiques Dealer, Church Warden, Director, Pallet Dealer, Company Director, Joiner, Company Formation Agent, Administration Manager. The total number of business managers in OL9 9XA, Oldham is four hundred and thirty-seven. And the number of resigned business managers is three hundred and seventy-nine. Their most popular surnames are Robinson, Goodman, Sykes, Price, Cavanagh, Kelly, Green, Pearson.C/O EDWARDS VEEDER (UK) LIMITED GROUND FLOOR, 4 BROADGATE, BROADWAY BUSINESS PARK, CHADDERTON, BRODWAY BUSINESS PARK, CHADDERTON, 21 BROADGATE, BROADWAY BUSINESS PARK, UNIT 23 BROADGATE, OLDHAM BROADWAY BUSINESS PARK, CHADDERTON, GROUND FLOOR 4 BROADGATE, OLDHAM BROADWAY BUSINESS PARK, GROUND FLOOR 4 BROADGATE, BROADWAY BUSINESS PARK, C/O EDWARDS VEEDER (UK) LIMITED GROUND FLOOR, 4BROADGATE, UNIT 3B BROADGATE, OLDHAM BROADWAY BUSINESS PARK, MARLE HOUSE BROADWAY BUSINESS PARK, GROUND FLOOR 4 BROADGATE BROADWAY BUSINESS PARK, UNIT 2, ANISEED HOUSE BROADGATE, OLDHAM BROADWAY BUSINESS PARK, BROADGATE, BROADGATE OLDHAM BROADWAY BUSINESS PARK, BOOK CENTRE, BROADGATE, BROADWAY BUSINESS, C/O EDWARDS VEEDER (UK) LIMITED GROUND FLOOR 4, BROADGATE, OLDHAM BROADWAY BUSINESS PARK, CHADDERTON, UNIT 23 BROADWAY, C/O EDWARDS VEEDER (UK) LIMITED GROUND FLOOR, 4 BROADGATE,, 4 BROADGATE, OLDHAM BROADWAY BUSINESS PARK, STANLEY HOUSE BROADGATE, UNIT 23, BROADWAY BUSINESS PARK, BROADGATE BROADWAY BUSINESS PARK, OLDHAM BROADWAY BUSI, CHADDERTON, C/O EDWARDS VEEDER (UK) LIMITED 4 BROADGATE,