We have found seventy-four active companies and fourteen not active businesses in M16 9EA. In the year 2015 the sum of all total assets of all businesses registered in M16 9EA is £1341.73k. It has dropped down /increased against the previous year. In the year 2016 the sum of all total assets of all businesses registered in M16 9EA is £2023.6k. And the total cash for those territory in 2015 is £125.45k. And the total cash for those territory in 2016 is £2644.65k. Meanwhile liabilities of all businesses registered in M16 9EA for the year 2015 is £343.19k.The liabilities of all businesses registered in M16 9EA for the year 2016 is £3012.29k. Their most popular occupations are Actor, Pr, Company Director/Owner - Sri Forensics Ltd., Arts Professional, None, Writer, Actress, University Lecturer. The total number of business managers in M16 9EA, Trafford is one hundred and seventy-four. And the number of resigned business managers is one hundred and twelve. Their most popular surnames are Takiar, Aggarwal, Astall, Burgess, Goodwin, Morris, Wolstenholme, Turner.C/O SIMPSON BURGESS NASH EMPRESS BUSINESS CENTRE, 380 CHESTER ROAD, C/O SIMPSON BURGESS NASH EXPRESS BUSINESS CENTRE, C/O MERCURY CORPORATE RECOVERY SOLUTIONS EMPRESS BUSINESS CENTRE, BARCLAY HOUSE, 380 CHESTER ROAD, OLD TRAFFORD, EMPRESS BUSINESS CENTRE SUITE 2.16, EMPRESS BUSINESS CENTRE, LEVEL 4 ROOM 3, EMPRESS BUSINESS CENTRE 380 CHESTER ROAD, UNIT 16 EMPRESS BUSINESS CENTRE, EMPRESS BUSINESS PARK 380 CHESTER ROAD, CHESTER ROAD, C/O SIMPSON BURGESS NASH LIMITED EMPRESS BUSINESS CENTRE, MERCURY, CORPORATE RECOVERY SOLUTIONS EMPRESS BUSINESS CENTRE, 358 CHESTER ROAD, 3.2 EMPRESS BUSINESS CENTURE, C/O MERCURY CORPORATE RECOVERY SOLUTIONS, EMPRESS BUILDING, UNIT 1 A EMPRESS BUSINESS CENTRE, 380 C/O M2 DIGITAL LIMITED, CHESTER ROAD, BARCLAY HOUSE 380 CHESTER ROAD, UNIT 14 EMPRESS BUILDINGS, 380, CHESTER ROAD, MUSTARD MEDIA, EMPRESS BUSINESS CENTRE, MUSTARD MEDIA EMPRESS BUSINESS CENTRE, EMPRESS BUILDINGS, UNIT 5.2 EMPRESS BUSINESS CENTRE, LEVEL 4 ROOM 3 EMPRESS BUSINESS CENTRE, 380 CHESTER ROAD OLD TRAFFORD, ROOM 3 LEVEL 4 EMPRESS BUSINESS CENTRE, UNIT 1 A , EMPRESS BUSINESS CENTRE EMPRESS BUSINESS CENTRE, UNIT 1A EMPRESS BUSINESS CENTRE, UNIT 1A EMPRESS BUSINESS PARK, 380 EMPRESS BUSINESS CENTRE, SUITE 4.7 EMPRESS BUSINESS CENTRE