We have found sixty-six active companies and six not active businesses in SO15 2BH.There are 1 people living in 1 situated in this area. In the year 2015 the sum of all total assets of all businesses registered in SO15 2BH is £8.28k. It has dropped down /increased against the previous year. In the year 2016 the sum of all total assets of all businesses registered in SO15 2BH is £2106.45k. And the total cash for those territory in 2015 is £1.37k. And the total cash for those territory in 2016 is £1237.72k. Meanwhile liabilities of all businesses registered in SO15 2BH for the year 2015 is £25.92k.The liabilities of all businesses registered in SO15 2BH for the year 2016 is £1903.64k. Their most popular occupations are Director, Artist, Executive Dean, Producer, Doctor, Consultant, Company Director, Lawyer. The total number of business managers in SO15 2BH, Southampton is one hundred and sixty-one. And the number of resigned business managers is two hundred and sixteen. Their most popular surnames are Randhawa, Consultants, Marston, Brent, Collett, Captain, Services, Smith.11 CUMBERLAND PLACE, LATIMER HOUSE, 5 - 7 CUMBERLAND PLACE, 11 OFFICE 2&3, CUMBERLAND PLACE, 2ND FLOOR LATIMER HOUSE, 5-7 CUMBERLAND PLACE, PBS LTD 11, CUMBERLAND PLACE, OFFICE 11, TABA LTD, 11, CUMBERLAND PLACE, SUITE 2 LOWER GROUND FLOOR LATIMER HOUSE, LATIMER HOUSE SUITE 2, LG FLOOR, LATIMER HOUSE, 5-7 CUMBERLAND PLACE, 11 OFFICE 11, JAMES COWPER KRESTON THE WHITE BUILDING, 1-4 CUMBERLAND PLACE, OFFICES 2 & 3, SUITE 2 LG FLOOR LATIMER HOUSE, SUITE 2 LOWER GROUND FLOOR, LATIMER HOUSE SUITE 2, LOWER GROUND FLOOR, OFFICES 2 & 3, C/A VICTORIA SINDEN, 11 (OFFICES 2&3), LGA DIGITAL LTD 11, OFFICE 2 11, SUITE 2 LG LATIMER HOUSE, 8 CUMBERLAND PLACE, BUCHANANS PLC, OFFICES 2 AND 3, (OFFICE 11), NOUSHA LOUNGE LTD 11 (OFFICE11), OFFICES 2&3, TABA LTD 11, 5-7 SUITE 2 LOWER GROUND FLOOR, LATIMER HOUSE 5-7 CUMBERLAND PLACE, OFFICE NUMBER 11, (OFFICE11), PBS LTD, OFFICE 7, 11 CUMBERLAND PLACE CUMBERLAND PLACE, OFFICE 9, LATIMER HOUSE,, OFFICE (11), LATIMER HOUSE JAMES COWPER KRESTON, 5- 7 CUMBERLAND PLACE