We have found two hundred and fifty-four active companies and ten not active businesses in WD6 3FG. In the year 2015 the sum of all total assets of all businesses registered in WD6 3FG is £0k. It has dropped down /increased against the previous year. In the year 2016 the sum of all total assets of all businesses registered in WD6 3FG is £51208.29k. And the total cash for those territory in 2015 is £16.55k. And the total cash for those territory in 2016 is £14051.76k. Meanwhile liabilities of all businesses registered in WD6 3FG for the year 2015 is £0k.The liabilities of all businesses registered in WD6 3FG for the year 2016 is £20061.98k. Their most popular occupations are Company Director Surveyor/Prop, Estate Agent, Solicitor, Company Director, Office Manager, None, Director, Charity Project Manager And Parenting Practitioner. The total number of business managers in WD6 3FG, Hertsmere is five hundred and forty-five. And the number of resigned business managers is five hundred and one. Their most popular surnames are Bellman, Dr, Harrison, Penman, Hall, Mann, Harris, Jones.GROUND FLOOR UNIT 501 CENTENNIAL PARK, CENTENNIAL AVENUE, GROUND FLOOR, 501 CENTENNIAL PARK, CENTENNIAL AVENUE, ELSTREE, GROUND FLOOR, UNIT 501 CENTENNIAL PARK, CENTENNIAL AVENUE, C/O 507 CENTENNIAL PARK, CENTENNIAL AVENUE ELSTREE, UNIT 501 CENTENNIAL PARK, CENTENNIAL AVENUE, BRIGHTSTONE HOUSE 511, UNIT 514 CENTENNIAL AVENUE, CENTENNIAL PARK, 506 CENTENNIAL PARK, CENTENNIAL AVE, GROUND FLOOR, UNIT 501 CENTENNIAL PARK,CENTENNIAL AVENUE, 510 CENTENNIAL PARK, 507 CENTENNIAL PARK, CENTENNIAL AVENUE, 501 CENTENNIAL PARK, 501 CENTENNIAL PARK, CENTENNIAL AVENUE, GROUND FLOOR UNIT 501 CENTENNIAL PARK, CENTENNIAL AVENUE, 1ST FLOOR, UNIT 505 CENTENNIAL PARK, CENTENNIAL AVENUE, GROUND FLOOR, 507 (UNIT 2) CENTENNIAL BUSINESS PARK, UNIT 501, GROUND FLOOR CENTENNIAL PARK, CENTENNIAL AVENUE, 514 CENTENNIAL PARK, CENTENNIAL AVENUE, 510 CENTENNIAL PARK FIRST FLOOR, 1ST FLOOR, UNIT 507 CENTENNIAL PARK, CENTENNIAL AVENUE, 504 CENTENNIAL PARK, CENTENNIAL AVENUE