TN14 5DP

We have found four active companies and zero not active businesses in TN14 5DP.There are 90 people living in 42 situated in this area. In the year 2015 the sum of all total assets of all businesses registered in TN14 5DP is £0k. It has dropped down /increased against the previous year. In the year 2016 the sum of all total assets of all businesses registered in TN14 5DP is £0k. And the total cash for those territory in 2015 is £0k. And the total cash for those territory in 2016 is £0k. Meanwhile liabilities of all businesses registered in TN14 5DP for the year 2015 is £0k.The liabilities of all businesses registered in TN14 5DP for the year 2016 is £0k. Their most popular occupations are Director, Manager, Company Director, Social Care. The total number of business managers in TN14 5DP, Sevenoaks is five. And the number of resigned business managers is zero. Their most popular surnames are Esposito, Kiddu, Maresova.182 OTFORD ROAD, 184 OTFORD ROAD, SEVENOAKS, 170 OTFORD ROAD

TN14 5DP Companies & Managers

FARVERY ENTERPRISES LTD Physical well-being activities
registered: 13 Mar 2017
SEVENOAKS MOTOR COMPANY LIMITED Sale of used cars and light motor vehicles
registered: 15 Jan 2007
registered: 30 Jun 2016
Aaron David Kiddu last appointment: 13 Mar 2017
Natalie Jane Esposito last appointment: 15 Jan 2007
Domenico Esposito last appointment: 15 Jan 2017
Natalie Jane Esposito last appointment: 01 Sep 2011
Veronika Maresova last appointment: 30 Jun 2016
OAKSTEAD INVESTMENTS LTD Other letting and operating of own or leased real estate
registered: 06 May 2014