We have found seven hundred and forty-two active companies and eight not active businesses in LE4 9HA. In the year 2015 the sum of all total assets of all businesses registered in LE4 9HA is £0k. It has dropped down /increased against the previous year. In the year 2016 the sum of all total assets of all businesses registered in LE4 9HA is £8295.01k. And the total cash for those territory in 2015 is £0k. And the total cash for those territory in 2016 is £5873.55k. Meanwhile liabilities of all businesses registered in LE4 9HA for the year 2015 is £2.37k.The liabilities of all businesses registered in LE4 9HA for the year 2016 is £4901.25k. Their most popular occupations are President, None, Director, Contractor, Mechanical Engineering, Company Director, It Consultant, Shop Fitting. The total number of business managers in LE4 9HA, Leicester is nine hundred and ninety. And the number of resigned business managers is three hundred and thirty-three. Their most popular surnames are Dr, Professor, Singh, Smith, Doctor, Wilson, Taylor, Yarlagadda.UNIT S2 TROON WAY BUSINESS CENTRE, HUMBERSTONE LANE, WINDSOR HOUSE TROON WAY BUSINESS CENTRE, UNIT N6 TROON BUSINESS CENTRE, HUMBERSTONE ROAD, UNIT B13 TROON WAY BUSINESS CENTRE, Q HOUSE TROON WAY BUSINESS CENTRE, HUMBERSTONE LANE THURMASTON, WINDSOR HOUSE TROONWAY BUSINESS CENTRE, WINDSOR HOUSE, TROON WAY BUSINESS CENTRE, HUMBERSTONE LANE, UNIT Q TROON WAY BUSINESS CENTRE, HUMBERTONE LANE, UNIT A TROON WAY BUSINESS CENTRE, WINDOSR HOUSE TROON WAY BUSINESS CENTRE, UNIT K2 TROONWAY BUSINESS CENTRE, TROON WAY BUSINESS CENTRE HUMBERSTONE LANE, UNIT Q, WINDSOR HOUSE TROON WAY BUSINESS CENTRE, HUMBERSTONE LANE, THURMASTON, UNIT B8 & B9,, UNIT L3 TROON WAY BUSINESS CENTRE, WINDSOR HOUSE, TROON WAY BUSINESS CENTRE, WINDSOR HOUSE TROON WAY BUSINESS CENTRE,, UNIT B5, UNIT N10 TROON WAY, BUSINESS CENTER HUMBERSTONE LANE, UNIT B 14, TROON WAY BUSINESS CENTRE, UNIT B14 TROON WAY BUSINESS CENTRE, Q HOUSE TROON WAY BUSINESS CENTRE HUMBERSTONE LANE, UNIT B7 TROON WAY BUSINESS CENTRE, Q HOUSE, TROON WAY BUSINESS CENTRE HUMBERSTONE LANE, WINDSOR HOUSE HUMBERSTONE LANE, UNIT K1 TROON WAY BUSINESS CENTRE, QDOS ACCOUNTING, WINDSOR HOUSE, WINDSOR HOUSE TROON BUSINESS CENTRE, UNIT L1, UNIT 3 TROON WAY BUSINESS CENTRE, WINDSOR HOUSE, TROON WAY BUSINESS CENTRE,, HUMBERSTONE LANE, THURMASTON,, WINDSOR HOUSE TROON WAY BUSINESS CENTER