We have found eighty-three active companies and six not active businesses in YO1 8SU.There are 21 people living in 14 situated in this area. In the year 2015 the sum of all total assets of all businesses registered in YO1 8SU is £0k. It has dropped down /increased against the previous year. In the year 2016 the sum of all total assets of all businesses registered in YO1 8SU is £1099.37k. And the total cash for those territory in 2015 is £0k. And the total cash for those territory in 2016 is £872.48k. Meanwhile liabilities of all businesses registered in YO1 8SU for the year 2015 is £0k.The liabilities of all businesses registered in YO1 8SU for the year 2016 is £743.41k. Their most popular occupations are Engineer, Engineering Design, Director, Development Director, Business Director, Director (Company), Risk Solutions, Tv Executive. The total number of business managers in YO1 8SU, York is one hundred and forty-seven. And the number of resigned business managers is ninety-one. Their most popular surnames are Crowe, Moffatt, Wood, Nickson, Watson, Worrell, Mcmaster, Martin.POPESHEAD COURT OFFICES, PETER LANE, POPESHEAD OFFICES, YORKHUB, POPESHEAD COURT OFFICES,, YORKHUB POPESHEAD COURT OFFICES,, POPESHEAD COURT OFFICES YORK HUB, POPESHEAD COURT, YORK HUB POPESHEAD COURT OFFICES, YORKHUB POPESHEAD COURT,, PETER LANE,, 15 POPESHEAD COURT, FLAT 16, POPES HEAD COURT, YORK HUB, POPESHEAD COURT OFFICES, POPES HEAD COURT OFFICES, THE OFFICES POPESHEAD COURT, EBORACUM POPESHEAD COURT OFFICES, HUB HOUSE POPESHEAD COURT, YORKHUB POPESHEAD COURT, YORK HUB POPES HEAD COURT OFFICES, YORK HUB, POPES HEAD COURT OFFICES,, INCLUSIVE INNOVATIONS LTD. YORK HUB, POPESHEAD COURT OFFICES, YORK HUB, POPESHEAD COURT LITTLE BREW, HUB BUILDING, FAO PETER MOFFATT, YORK HUB POPESHEAD COURT OFFICES, 1 PETER LANE, THE HUB PETER LANE