We have found forty-seven active companies and four not active businesses in SA2 8PP. In the year 2015 the sum of all total assets of all businesses registered in SA2 8PP is £0k. It has dropped down /increased against the previous year. In the year 2016 the sum of all total assets of all businesses registered in SA2 8PP is £45.31k. And the total cash for those territory in 2015 is £0k. And the total cash for those territory in 2016 is £20.93k. Meanwhile liabilities of all businesses registered in SA2 8PP for the year 2015 is £0k.The liabilities of all businesses registered in SA2 8PP for the year 2016 is £6.85k. Their most popular occupations are Scientist, Biologist, Ecologist, Eclogist, Medical, Academic, Technician, University. The total number of business managers in SA2 8PP, Swansea is one hundred and forty. And the number of resigned business managers is one hundred and seven. Their most popular surnames are Dr, Professor, Smith, Morgan, Barbosa, James, Davies, Williams.160 GROVE BUILDING SWANSEA UNIVERSITY, SINGLETON PARK, INSTITUTE OF LIFE SCIENCE SWANSEA UNIVERSITY, HORTON HOUSE SWANSEA UNIVERSITY,, FINANCE DEPARTMENT SWANSEA UNIVERSITY, 5TH FLOOR LIFE SCIENCE BUILDING 2, LIFE SCIENCE BUILDING 2, FINANCE BUILDING, INSTITUTE OF LIFE SCIENCE ILS 2, SWANSEA UNIVERSITY, SINGLETON PARK,, INSTITUTE OF LIFE SCIENCE ILS, INSTITUTE OF LIFE SCIENCES, ROOM 508 INSTITUTE OF LIFE SCIENCES 2 SWANSEA UNIVERSITY, 508, FIFTH FLOOR BUSINESS CENTRE, ILS2 BUILDING SWANSEA UNIVERSITY, DEPT OF REIS SWANSEA UNIVERSITY, SWANSEA INNOVATIONS, TALBOT BUILDING ROOM 246, INSTITUTE OF LIFE SCIENCES SWANSEA UNIVERSITY, DEPT OF RESEARCH ENGAGEMENT AND INNOVATION SERVICE SWANSEA UNIVERSITY, SUITE 5 ROOM 403 ILS PHASE 2, SWANSEA UNIVERSITY SINGLETON PARK, DRI FLOOR 7 FARADAY TOWER, REIS, TALBOT BUILDING SWANSEA UNIVERSITY, INSTITUTE OF LIFE SCIENCE, ILS1 SWANSEA UNIVERSITY, TALBOT BUILDING SWANSEA UNIVERSITY, FINANCE BUILDING, SWANSEA UNIVERSITY, ROOM 246, 2ND FLOOR TALBOT BUILDING SWANSEA UNIVERSITY, INSTITUTE OF LIFE SCIENCE 2 SINGLETON PARK, COLLEGE OF MEDICINE, SWANSEA UNIVERSITY, DEPARTMENT OF RESEARCH AND INNOVATION SWANSEA UNIVERSITY, FINANCE BUILDING SWANSEA UNIVERSITY, C/O INSTITUTE OF LIFE SCIENCES SWANSEA UNIVERSITY, UNION HOUSE, INSTITUTE OF LIFE SCIENCE (ILS) SWANSEA UNIVERSITY, FLOOR 1 DATA SCIENCE BUILDING, SWANSEA UNIVERSITY, THE ABBEY SWANSEA UNIVERSITY, INSTITUTE OF LIFE SCIENCES 2 ROOM 503, UNIVERSITY OF SWANSEA SINGLETON PARK, DEP RESEARCH ENGAGEMENT AND INNOVATION SERVICES SWANSEA UNIVERSITY, ROOM 014, GROUND FLOOR, CNH, ILS-2 COLLEGE OF MEDICINE, SWANSEA UNIVERSITY, INSTITUTE OF LIFE SCIENCE