Vale of Glamorgan business

128500 people live in Vale of Glamorgan. Vale of Glamorgan covers the area of 129 sq.miles. There are four thousand seven hundred and twenty-three active companies have been registered in Vale of Glamorgan. At the moment there are one hundred and ninety-five not active business entities registered in Vale of Glamorgan. In 2015: the total assets of all businesses operating in Vale of Glamorgan were £3879.99k. The total cash of all companies working in the county were £705.7k. The liabilities of all businesses were £888.22k in 2015. In 2016 the total assets of all businesses registered in Vale of Glamorgan were £231668.97k. The total cash of all companies registered in the county were £73496.72k. The liabilities of all businesses were £186924.03k.

Vale of Glamorgan CF64 2PB, CF62 6PS, CF64 1NJ, CF64 3EF